What I’ve learnt from being on Tinder for 6 weeks.

Where on earth do I start?!

I have been online dating before. I met my ex through POF and we were together for nearly 5 years, so I went into Tinder with high hopes!  Now, I don’t know if it’s because I am online dating now, as a 27 year old, not looking for a fling or anything, (which isn’t too much to ask, right?) But I am shocked by the amount of men that think it’s okay to say some of the things they do.

A couple of days in, I received a message on my Facebook, from someone who had seen my on Tinder. Now, that immediately just screams stalker to me. So, I politely declined.

The first ‘sexual’ message I received was, “my balls would look great on your chin”. Great. Really glad you think so, and felt the need to tell me. I obviously didn’t respond. A couple more examples of ‘interesting’ opening messages include “Are you a bird enthusiast? Because you look like you’ve had a cock-or-two”. This guy did go on to apologise and we actually had a reasonable normal conversation considering he has basically called me a slag! Another one that actually made me giggle was ‘Your legs look like an Oreo Cookie – I wanna split them and eat all the good stuff in the middle. lol”. Thinking about it, that’s a pretty disgusting thing to write to a stranger.

The list of messages goes on, people telling me i have wasted their time because I refused to be sexual, people telling me they want me to dominate them and just people outright telling you they want to fuck you.

Oh, and to the guy from Tinder that looks at all of Instagram stories, yet doesn’t talk to me or follow me…I see you.

A bit of advice, if you really are just wanting a night of dominance or a one night stand, that’s absolutely fine, but save everyone a bit of time, and state it on your profile. And if you don’t know how to start a conversation, pull something from their profile and chat about it! We want banter as much as you do!

Now, onto the more positive. I have matched with a chatted to some lovely guys. Most of which I would be happy to meet with as friends. I haven’t chosen to go on a date yet with someone, not for a particular reason, I guess it just hasn’t felt right yet. I am also aware that I’m in no rush, and being single and learning to love yourself is mightily important!

My overall thoughts? As long as you aren’t actively looking for your husband or wife, I think its a great platform. You will get some strange messages, but as long as you aren’t easily offended, then no harm done.

I know this is a rambly one, but I just needed to get it out of my system! I will update you all if I decide to go on a date!

Love always,




  1. koolitzable says:

    This is interesting, and informative if you would share us your experience.


  2. ellieslondon says:

    This made me smile so much – I went on so many dates from Tinder a few years ago – some of my weirdest included a guy who thought he would send me a review (Amazon style) after our date (he only gave me 3.5 out of five!) and an Afghan Catfish who showed up almost 40 years old and spoke no English…On the plus side, I met my current Mr on Tinder too and we have been together almost 2 years ♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. WOW! That is so lovely you met your Mr! x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us! I love reading about other peoples experiences with stuff like this. I do use Tinder on and off.


  4. carlystarr says:

    This just made me laugh. What are dudes thinking when they say things like, “I want my balls on your chin”, makes me wonder if they have ever actually been with a woman before if they think that’s the best way to go about things!


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